Small Group Fitness Programs

We program your workouts for you and we coach you every time you are here. All you have to do is show up and we will get you in the greatest shape of your life!

Thank you for your interest in Iron Belle Studios!



Iron Belle is small (but fierce!), independently owned

and operated by Michelle Boler.

Located in Pinellas Park for 11 years.


As a private membership studio, we prioritize the well-being of our members over profit, setting us apart from typical commercial studios. It matters not how many bodies are on the floor, what matters is that each one of them is a valued member of our private studio of strong, confident, healthy women. Our membership is capped, therefore we are unable to accept all members. Usually, there's a waiting list, therefore registration often opens when a member leaves.



New Members Start Here! 


  • All new and returning members start here
  • You will work in a small group (1-5 ppl) with an assigned trainer during our regular group sessions
  • Training is held M-W-F 

Please note that reserving a spot does not obligate either party to any future fees or services, but rather serves as an initial step towards exploring our potential collaboration in your health and fitness goals.

*After successfully completing the trainer required sessions, we offer three membership options to choose from.

For Lasting Results, Get Belle Strong & Fit! 

Group Training Membership Options


$47/wk =$187 monthly auto-pay
Full Personal Onboarding
12 a month/3x classes a week


$57/wk =$228 monthly autopay
Full Personal Onboarding
Fitness and nutrition consult
Includes resources → eBook, nutrition consult,
$20 off HRM
Private Nutrition & Fitness Support

~Belle Max Coaching~ Unlimited Group Sessions & 4 Private Training Sessions

monthly autopay
4 Private Training Sessions Unlimited Group Semi Private Training
Full Personal Onboarding
Fitness and nutrition consult
Includes resources → eBook, nutrition consult
$20 off HRM (Heart Monitor)
Private Nutrition & Fitness Support



In general, our operating hours for group sessions are listed below.

Personal Training Hours Vary (Not listed)

If you want to join us you must use our contact form first. We are a private membership-based facility. We do not offer drop ins.


The times listed below are blocks of time not class times 

5:15 AM - 7:50 AM

9AM - 10AM

4:30 PM - 6:30 PM



5:15 AM - 7 AM

9AM – 10 AM (THURS ONLY)  

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM


Times vary between the hours of

6:15 AM – 8:30AM


Small Group Sessions:  

Iron Belle Studios is designed for efficient and effective exercise. We are a Program-Based Facility with limited spots available. We have a "capped" membership, ensuring that we never have an overcrowded facility. To ensure our clients get the attention they deserve we don’t oversell memberships, or sell a number of days to attend workout sessions and/or offer drop-in class passes. We want members to be successful and reach their goals therefore we need to be available to them. We offer many tools to help you reach goals but you get what YOU put into it! 


Most of our sessions are held with exercises that are conducted both inside and outside our facility. We have the best of both worlds! However, if we get record breaking heat we take all workouts inside.

At Iron Belle Studios, our approach is to deliver quality training to a group of 5-15 ladies per group. This may reach 15 ladies depending on the program. The smaller size of our training group allows for each member to receive more personal attention.

Our workouts help build lean muscle, burn body fat, reduce inches, improve energy, move better and increase endurance. 

We provide workouts that include weight lifting, high intensity training, body weight exercises and more!

Our general fitness program is sufficient to yield common desired results such as improved strength, body fat reduction, more muscle, increased energy, improve overall health and mobility.  

Our team of coaches will work with you based on your ability to ensure you improve safely while still receiving effective workouts that will get results.


Membership fees range from $187-$538 monthly with no hidden fees. 


To get more information and/or learn how we will help you reach your goals please request to schedule a free consultation by using our online form.


As a private independently owned and operated studio, we must keep the phone calls and text messages to a minimum while we train our clients.  


I look forward to helping you succeed!


Michelle Boler

Transformation Coach & the whole Team Iron Belle

We offer high-tech tools to monitor your progress, and an online nutrition program.

All that we're missing is you.


Strength Training: Get Strong & Look Lean

Sessions are scaled to your level of fitness

Members can expect to use a variety of different equipment, which will contribute to their workout where they will build strength, get lean and toned, and develop coordination and balance. Strength Training contributes to improving bone density, promoting fat-free body mass, and increasing the strength of connective tissue, muscles and tendons. 


Conditioning Sessions: Burn Fat, Increase Strength & Endurance

Sessions are scaled to your level of fitness

Our conditioning sessions involve whole body exercises that improve more than just your ability to run a mile. You will be working on strength, your core/stability, and the real-world application of being able to chase after kids or grandkids, walk up and down a flight of stairs without losing your breath, or walk the dog and not be exhausted after. You will be using dumbbells, kettle bells, sandbags, battle ropes, slam balls, and your own body weight to work on your strength and conditioning.

Looking for that toned body? Weights will need to be involved in that! Want better endurance?


Kettle Bell:Kettle Bells

You may need to take a Fundementals session before joining in our kettle bell sessions. Please check with a trainer.

The kettlebell is a cast iron or cast steel ball with a handle attached to the top (resembling a cannonball with a handle). It is used to perform many types of exercises, including ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training.

The American Council on Exercise commissioned a study to find out just how effective kettlebell training is. After eight weeks of kettlebell exercises, researchers saw significant improvement in endurance, balance, and core strength. The greatest improvement was in the core where strength increased a whopping 70 percent.


The benefits include:

  • Improved coordination and agility.

  • Better posture and alignment. Many exercises work the postural muscles in a functional way.

  • Improved back pain. One study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that kettlebell training offered some unique loading patterns we don't see with traditional strength training. Because the lower back is activated during swings, this actually enhances the functioning and health of the lower back.

  • It's time efficient. You train multiple fitness components in the same session including cardio, strength, balance, stability, power, and endurance

  • The exercises are functional and weight bearing which helps increase bone density and keep the body strong for daily tasks.

  • You become more efficient at other types of exercise.

  • Increased power development and endurance, which is great for a variety of sports.

  • Simplicity. The exercises are simple, the workouts are straightforward and you only need one piece of equipment, although you may need a variety of weights.


Personal Training

Not ready for small group classes? Personal Training is available by appointment. Personal Training needs vary and is different for everyone.

Schedule your FREE consultation!

About FitRanX System

FitRanX is a comprehensive and standardized ranking system used for gauging individuals’ fitness levels. This is not a system based on how long you have been at a facility or how much your trainer thinks you have improved. This is a REAL ranking system that took years to develop and perfect. FitRanx is built into our existing program and has proven results!